Lead Paint Removal

Lead Paint

Lead paint presents serious health hazards, especially to children, as it can cause developmental delays, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems when ingested or inhaled. The deteriorating lead paint chips and dust can contaminate indoor environments, posing a risk of lead poisoning through ingestion or inhalation. lead paint can cause:

  • Neurological damage, especially in children
  • Developmental delays and learning difficulties
  • Potential kidney and cardiovascular issues
  • Long-lasting contamination in homes and the environment

Where can lead paint be found

Lead paint can be found in many older homes, buildings, and structures built before 1978, when its use was more common due to its durability and resistance to moisture. It is often present on interior and exterior surfaces, including walls, window frames, doors, baseboards, and trim. Lead paint can also be found on furniture, toys, and other household items that were manufactured before the dangers of lead were widely recognized.

In commercial buildings, lead paint is commonly found in schools, playgrounds, and public buildings, posing a significant risk of exposure, particularly in areas with peeling, chipping, or deteriorating paint.

Lead Paint Removal

The removal process of lead-based paint requires planning to prevent the release of toxic lead dust and particles. The first step involves an inspection and risk assessment by MCM Environmental. Once identified, containment measures are put in place to isolate the work area, including sealing off rooms with plastic sheeting and using negative air pressure machines. All debris and materials are safely collected and disposed of according to hazardous waste regulations. Post-removal, the area is being cleaned, and testing is conducted to ensure that lead levels are within safe limits, ensuring the home or business is safe for occupants to return.

Identify Lead Paint

An indicator of the presence of lead paintr is the appearance of “scales,” which occur when the paint begins to crack and wrinkle, forming a pattern similar to reptilian scales. This can suggest that your paint may contain lead. Another sign of potential lead paint is if it produces a chalky residue when it rubs off or deteriorates.

At MCM Environmental, we offer dependable lead paint testing services for both residential and commercial properties, ensuring accurate results. Additionally, we specialize in asbestos testing. Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries you may have.

Call MCM Environmental today!

(478) 714-3708